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    Book Reviews — Book Reviews

    The Book of Pluto - Reviewed

    The Book of Pluto - Reviewed

    Steven Forrest tackles this planet of intensity with his wit, wisdom, and compassion. He interprets Pluto through the house, sign, and aspect (both in natal charts and current positions) with great sensitivity, incredible honesty, and his wonderfully literate style. Steven covers people's "navigational errors" and wounding scenarios with Pluto. We descend into hell and get a glimpse of heaven in this book.


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    Measuring the Night - Book Review

    Measuring the Night - Book Review

    Evolutionary Astrology and the Keys to the Soul, Volume I
    by Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green
    (currently out of print)

    Your birthchart is also a tool for your evolution... Groundbreaking new book based on a series of evolutionary astrologyworkshops by Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green. Seven Paws Press and Martina Green's Daemon Press are the co-publishers. Astrology, reincarnation, psychology and how to use your birthchart for your own's all here, in a warm and personal lecture format from two best-selling counseling astrologers with very full client loads. Suitable for the beginner as well as advanced or professional astrologers. Steven and Jeffrey team up to analyze the birthchart of one of the workshop participants, just as they would analyze that of a client.

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    Excerpts from The Rhymer and the Ravens

    the first volume of Nordic-Celtic historical fantasy trilogy by Jodie Forrest

    copyright 1992 Jodie Forrest. All rights reserved. FRONTISPIECE

    Tomas would sometimes consider, in later years, whether there were any chance that his Fate might have been different. Yet only upon occasions of the greatest rarity would he so wonder, when gripped by a black and somber mood, perhaps, or perhaps when drifting through the gates that link wakefulness to sleep--or Elfland to other realms. For Tomas had grown to understand, far better than most mortals, that to questions about Fate there are no true answers. There are only, sometimes, reasons.

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    Book Review: The Dragonseeker

    Book Review: The Dragonseeker

    Book review of Dag's latest book: The Dragonseeker Saga: New Tales of the Nine Worlds, ©2009. Published by Skandisk Inc.
    Review by Jodie Forrest.
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    Douglas “Dag” Rossman’s previous work (The Nine Worlds: A Dictionary of Norse Mythology; The Northern Path: Norse Myths and Legends Retold . . . and What They Reveal; and Theft of the Sun and Other New Norse Myths) should be familiar to readers intrigued by the lore of the North per se. It should also be familiar to and appreciated by anyone interested in the light that mythology can shed on depth psychology in the vein of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, particularly the mythology of one’s own ethnic background.

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    The Northern Path Book Review

    The Northern Path Book Review

    A review by C. Dean Andersson of the new book by Douglas "Dag" Rossman, The Northern Path: Norse Myths and Legends Retold...and What They Reveal. Reprinted with permission.

    Like everyone drawn to the history and lore of Scandinavia and Northern Europe, I treasure the old stories and poems of the Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes. I remember years ago first discovering the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda and how reading them felt like coming home. Now, unexpectedly, I have re-experienced much of that original excitement. Through over-familiarity, I had forgotten how good the Eddaic stories are as stories. And how did I recapture old feelings of once new discoveries?

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    The Rhymer and the Ravens Book Reviews

    The Rhymer and the Ravens Book Reviews


    "The best historical fantasy I've ever read. Forrest writes lyrically, descriptively and with a sword's deft touch. Her characters--be they Vikings, Elf Queens or ancient rulers--are eminently believable."
    -- Poppy Z. Brite, author of Lost Souls; Drawing Blood; and Exquisite Corpse


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