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    For over twenty years, Steven taught Apprenticeship Program classes around the world. These were four and five day seminars, each devoted to a special topic. Through them, many people were supported in becoming professional astrologers. It was a sweet, tribal experience, complete with marriages, shared tragedies, and lasting friendships. See an archival video featuring some testimonials from the old program below. 

    As Steven’s Moon progressed though his 12th house, those programs came to an end. His exhaustion from the wear and tear of constant air travel was a factor, but mostly he wanted to alter his approach to teaching in order to address some changing realities. First, he turned seventy and realized he was not going to live forever. He wanted to create a more formal school that would last beyond his lifetime. That led to the creation of the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology, which is an ongoing, online teaching program. You can learn about it here:

    In the old Apprenticeship Programs attendees were awarded certificates after attending three of the programs, and another, higher one after attending six. There were no tests. The certificates only confirmed attendance. Steven offered a master level certification for three years, and students who attended those retreats presented readings that were evaluated by Steven, after which he gave them his stamp of approval. You can find these program graduates noted on Steven's referral page with the master level icon. The FCEA is a more rigorous academic program, with exams and thus more of a guarantee that graduates are truly proficient. 

    Steven will continue to offer webinars, occasionally to speak at conferences, and to offer a few public programs, but for the serious student of the Forrest Method of evolutionary astrology, the FCEA is now the path.

    If you are looking for records of attendance for any of these programs it will be best to reach out to the hosts of these programs.

    North Carolina: Kathy - 

    Northern California:  Joyce Van Horn -

    Blue Sky Ranch: Paula or Ingrid -

    Students Reflect on the Steven's Teaching

    Here's a nostalgic image from the AP program in Southern California from 2014:

    Steven Forrest Astrology Program