This is a written transcript of the webinar Lunar Nodes Special Cases. Delivered to you by email as a pdf document.
Steven presents a webinar on special configurations of the lunar nodes.
Steven's book, Yesterday’s Sky: Astrology and Reincarnation, includes the basic tools to begin to understand how unresolved karma from a prior lifetime appears in the present birth chart – and of course leaves its fingerprints on the present life. But certain configurations of the lunar nodes present added layers of complexity, intensity and interpretive challenge.
In this class, Steven will explain how he works in these unique situations.
What if –
- the ruler of the north node is conjunct the south node – or vice versa?
- the south node is in Gemini but the 9th House, while the north node is in Sagittarius but the 3rd house?
- there are few or no aspects to the nodal axis?
- the south node lies in Scorpio, Aquarius, or Pisces and thus is ruled by two planets?
- Pluto is conjunct, square or opposing the South Node?
Steven spends time with each of these cases, leaving you with fine-tuned tools for interpretation.
pdf | 34 pages | instant download
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