Yesterday’s Sky French Translation
ISBN 978-0979067730 | $24.95
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Yesterday’s Sky French Translation
C. Rauwel has offered our Francophone readers a generous gift. She has translated the opening two chapters of YESTERDAY’S SKY into French. If you are French speaker, please enjoy them — and if you are a French publisher, she would be delighted to work with you on the rest of the book.
Rauwel has translated the Tibetan language into both English and French for some very powerful Lamas, including Ven Gangchen Rinpoche and Ven Tralek Rinpoche. Our shared interest in the interface of astrology and Buddhism is what brought us together on the Internet. I somewhat nervously sent her a copy of Yesterday’s Sky, hoping that it would pass muster with such a fine dharma-scholar – and of course fearing that it wouldn’t! She wrote back to me with this generous endorsement. “I have reached the end of Yesterday’s Sky and I was very moved by the compassionate, loving motivation underlying the whole book. This is a landmark, a master book, a bodhisattva work. I bow to Steven Forrest’s realization of the paramita of knowlege of the stars, and feel so lucky that he has offered us this precious result of so many years of work and experience.” I felt enormously encouraged to get such a glowing seal of approval for the underlying principles of the kind of astrology I teach from someone so immersed in the living world of Tibetan Buddhism.
Read Chapter 1 of Yesterday’s Sky in French: Chapitre 1
Read Chapter 2 of Yesterday’s Sky in French: Chapitre 2
Yesterday's Sky: Reincarnation and Astrology
Behind your familiar astrological chart lurks another chart entirely, one whose existence you may never have suspected. It carries your treasures and your wounds. Where the astrologer’s predictions and the realities of your life might not in all honesty have lined up, this chart-behind-the-chart will help you see why. This second, hidden chart tells the tale of who you were in a prior lifetime. It speaks of what wounded you then and what work you left undone. It warns of old ghosts that haunt you and the symptoms you experience when you let them grab the steering wheel of your life.
This karmic underpinning of the horoscope explains the reasons you have the natal chart you have today and it clarifies how you can get on with your evolutionary journey.