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    Blog — Capricorn

    The Lunar Nodes Change to Cancer - Capricorn

    The Lunar Nodes Change to Cancer - Capricorn

    As we enter November, the big news looming on the astrological front is that the lunar nodes are about to change signs. That is always a crucial development even though it happens every year and a half.

    What does it signify?

    Two things: first, that the nature of the collective “karmic chickens coming home to roost” is about to shift dramatically.

    The second is that we will soon see the births of children who are members of a very different soul-tribe than the babies who’ve been born since early 2017. That is because south node energy is what you see in a newborn baby’s eyes, at least once you have stripped away all the required rhapsodic cooing. Babies are as human as you or me, warts and all. As the south node switches signs, the nature of the warts switches too.

    Here are the details:

    On November 15, the lunar north node – always retrograde – backs out of Leo and enters Cancer, where it will remain until June 4, 2020.

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    Capricorn Season: The Deeper Message of Saturnalia

    Capricorn Season: The Deeper Message of Saturnalia

    by Steven Forrest

    Light soon returns to the world. Hallelujah, hallelujah . . . but you have heard it all before and it’s not exactly shocking news. Of course I am talking about the Winter Solstice.  And you might be yawning already.  You don’t have to be an astrologer to know that the season of ever-lengthening nights is now about to turn.  Yet, buried beneath the veil of numbing familiarity, this yearly turning of the tide of light still holds some riddles for us.

    For us in the northern hemisphere, the coldest parts of winter still lie ahead, but at least there’s a reason for hope.  As the eloquent jazz pianist, Bill Evans, put it, “You must believe in Spring.” If you are in the snow-belt, there’s a lyric to tape to your refrigerator!  Even here in the southern California desert where I live, I am looking forward to the days getting longer again. Who can reflect even for ten seconds on the notion of “the return of the light” without a little whisper of optimism arising? Who can think of it without hope?

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