Calculating the Out of Bounds Moon
With so many different kinds of astrological software in use, the simplest suggestion is to just go to the “Help” files in the program you use and look up “Declination.” There you will see how to display it for any chart you calculate. Declination will be given as either North or South, sometimes shown as a + or – . If the value exceeds 23°28′, it is Out of Bounds. This will work for both a natal chart or a progressed one.
Using Solar Fire
Out of Bounds Moon
Calculate or open a chart. Click on “Reports” in the top line. Click on “Current Chart.” A window opens titled “Chart Reports & Tabulations.” Under “Chart Points,” you will see a column labeled “Decl.” That is declination. Check to see if the Moon’s value is 23°28′ or greater. If so, it is Out of Bounds. Again, this will work for both a natal or progressed charts.
Progressed Moon Declination Cycle
To watch for the Moon progressing Out of Bounds over longer time-scales, open the natal chart, then click on “Dynamic” on the top line. Click on “Graphic Ephemeris.” Open “Saved Selections,” scroll down and click on “Declination of Moon (one year).” Under “Period of Report,” click the “Years” button (unless you want to zoom in on a specific period of your life).
Set your date of birth as the “Start Date.” Under “Period,” enter a number greater than your age in years, depending on how far into the future you want to look. In any case, make its value at least nineteen so it is long enough to see one whole sweep of the Declination cycle. Under “Ephemeris Selection,” be sure to click “Progressions.” Right under that, you will see a window that says “Longitude.” Open that window, and scroll down to “Declination.” Enable that. “Dynamic Type Progressions” defaults to “secondary.” Leave that in place. Under “Point Selection,” go to “Progs.” I like the visual simplicity of “Sunmoon” rather than ones that show all the planets, but do as you like there. Click “View” and a graphic appears. The Moon’s cycle is the big, obvious wave, like a sine curve. Declination is the vertical dimension. Time is the horizontal one. Use the cursor to trace the Moon’s line. You will see a read-out that gives the date and the Moon’s declination. When (if) the Moon goes beyond 23E28′, North or South, it is Out of Bounds.
The Moon Out of Bounds Webinar
In this insightful program you’ll learn how to begin working with the moon’s declination as Steven explores the “Out of Bounds Moon”. Steven explains the meaning of the out of bounds moon and provides several expressions of this chart signature with examples to illustrate the pattern. Even if your moon is not natally out of bounds, it may progress out of bounds. In the second half of this program, Steven covers the rare topic of the progressed moon out of bounds period.
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Using WinStar 4.0
Out of Bounds Moon
Open the chart. Click Data (next to the WinStar logo). Use your down arrow or scroll bar to select “Chart Positions” in the select area of the left hand column (just above the “New Chart” button). Each planet’s declination number appears in the list. A declination near or above 23°28′ is out of bounds.
Progressed Moon Declination Cycle
In Winstar v4 go to extra’s > graphic ephemeris
then go to file > new ephemeris
Select 1 year declination. Click “birthdate” under Start. Choose 75 years (or whatever interval you’d like) under End. Click the tab Planets. Select Moon and deselect the other planets. Under Positions choose Secondary Progressions. Under Coordinate, select Declination. Under Dial select 360.
Using Kepler or Sirius
Out of Bounds Moon
While looking at a chart wheel, right-click anywhere on the wheel style to view the window for selecting wheel styles. Many of the wheel styles include a table of declination positions. For example, any of the first 5 wheel styles (letters A, B, C, D, and E) include a list of the declination positions of the planets. If the declination of a planet is 23 deg 28 min or greater, it is Out of Bounds.
In Sirius 2.0 you can also see a visual image of declination by selecting the List icon and then select the menu item "Declination and Latitude Graphic Display". This is a resizable window with several handy options. This graphic display is discussed towards the end of the video "What is Declination?." You can skip forward to about 30:45 of this vide if you wish to see just this part of the video.
Progressed Moon Declination Cycle
While viewing a natal char select a progressed chart by clicking on the Progressions icon. With the first check box for secondary progressions checked, click the OK button. It does not matter what the date for the progression is. Select the graphic ephemeris by clicking the Forecast icon and then selecting Graphic Ephemeris in the popup menu. Then right-click anywhere on the graphic ephemeris and in the window that is displayed, check only the progressed chart, select a start date of the year the person was born (the month and day do not matter and the specific year that you start does not matter either). Select about 90 years and near the upper right corner of the window select Declination. There is a demonstration of this near the end of the tutorial video “The Graphic Ephemeris in Sirius 1.3." You can skip to about 29:30 of this video if you wish to see just this part of the video.
Learn More About the Moon
Lunar Phases Workshop

Perhaps the most obvious lunar phenomenon is the monthly cycle of phases, but it is curiously marginalized in astrological practice. How is a Full Moon in Gemini different from a crescent Moon in the same sign? What about waxing versus waning? Based on Steven's latest work, The Book of the Moon, this lecture introduces an eight-phase interpretation of the lunar cycle based on the Pagan calendar of solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days.
The Moon Intensive

In this workshop, we will deeply and technically consider the Moon and explore in depth the mostly forgotten mystery of the Moon’s eight phases.