The Influence of Planets on Different Locations
by Steven Forrest
Following is a quick thumbnail sketch of the high and low action of each planet as it operates in the context of both Astrocartography and Local Space.
If you move toward a Sun line, expect heightened self-confidence and charisma, probably greater vitality — and possibly the embarrassment of your ego's "stuff" getting demonstrated to everyone who beholds you.
If you move toward a Moon line, expect intensified emotions, nurturing impulses, greater depth, a sense of "home" — and possibly moodiness, lassitude, and irrationality.
If you move toward a Mercury line, expect underscored intellectual vigor, opportunities to speak or write or teach, restlessness and curiosity — and possibly nervousness, scattered energy, insomnia, and difficulty closing your mouth. (From a shamanic perspective, your Mercury direction in Local Space is a direction in which to look for omens.)
If you move toward a Venus line, expect intensified impulses toward intimacy, sexual expression, aesthetic stimulus, and creative enthusiasm — and possibly laziness, romantic complications, and temptations toward addiction.
If you move toward a Mars line, expect emphasized physical vitality, assertiveness, competitiveness, entrepreneurial impulses, and passion — and possibly anger, violence, victimization, and accident.
If you move toward a Jupiter line, expect boatloads of enthusiasm and confidence, big opportunities, more faith in yourself and in life — and possibly over-active appetites, over-extension, and poor boundaries. Yes is a word that can get us in a lot of trouble.
If you move toward a Saturn line, expect peaks of self-discipline, determination, tolerance for solitude, ambition in some sense — and possibly sadness, loneliness, reversals, and low vitality.
If you move toward a Uranus line, expect a drive toward greater independence, rebelliousness, creativity, and a general sense of there being more wild cards in life’s deck — and possibly headstrong idiocy and unpleasant surprises.
If you move toward a Neptune line, expect vivid psychic sensitivity, colorful dreams, deeper spirituality, creative inspiration — and possibly spaciness, lack of motivation, poor judgement, and addictive/escapist impulses.
If you move toward a Pluto line, expect intense psychological processes and a deeper sense of “the tides of fate” — and possibly psychological heaviness, existential despair, and catastrophe. In that direction you will encounter the core wounds of your soul, and have a chance to heal them — or to be driven by them.
If you move toward a Node line, you invite the facing and resolution of the basic karmic and evolutionary issues of your life. There is very often a distinct "call of destiny" associated with places along that line. (Note that since the Nodes are an axis in the chart, there is only one Node line — not a separate one for North and South.)
Astromapping - Intro to Relocational Astrology

By the way, Ralph MacIntrye who has been involved with my Apprenticeship Program in southern California for a long time has developed software that deftly weaves Astrocartography together with the great advantages of GoogleEarth. Check it out at