The Aries Stellium
Aries Stellium - The Warrior’s Jamboree
March 2011 Newsletter
March may be winding down, but it’s not too late for a little March news. Boy things are heating up out there, aren’t they? And this fresh Aries energy is energizing if nothing else. Steven has some thoughts to share with us about the stellium in Aries beginning to line up for April, during which 7 planets (yes, 7!) will be passing through that feisty sign.
I’m sure many of you have spent some time in prayer for those challenged by the earthquake in Japan. We surely have, and send warm thoughts out to any of you receiving this who have been directly affected. Although astrologers have been predicting disasters like this in 2011 for some time, this is no time to gloat about our prediction ability. In fact, earth changes like this can easily remind us of our vulnerability, and dish us out a serving of humble pie. Let’s do something with this energy and commit to offering a helping hand where we are able, in whatever capacity possible.
Steven’s Moon Intensive workshop is available for download and includes a focus on overlooked details about the Moon including its lunar phase, speed and declination.
Hidden Dimensions of the Moon

Thanks for your support and for sharing this newsletter with friends and on Facebook.
Warm wishes,
2011 Dates to remember:
- Uranus moves into Aries March 12
- Neptune moves into Pisces March 4 through August 6

Tony Howard graduated Summa Cum Laude in history and film from the University of Colorado. His degree turned out to be the perfect precursor to his career in astrology, where his focus includes historical research and chart analysis. His writing has been featured in The Mountain Astrologer and in two Flare anthologies: Astrology, the Next Generation and The Book of Music Horoscopes.
Tony has been researching declination since 2011 and specializes in “out of bounds” planets. He also loves working with and studying aspects, which forms the core of his work with clients. He is the founder of Astrology University.
The Warrior’s Jamboree
Every now and then we get an unusual concentration of planets in one sign. We have one coming up soon in Aries. Humanity has weathered this kind of phenomenon many times, of course. There’s no need to be alarmist about it – just sit back an enjoy the bi-annual prophecies of Apocalypse and Global Collapse.
The configuration is meaningful, though. Let’s explore it.
On April 2, both the Moon and Mars join the Aries party. Uranus, the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury are already there. That makes six bodies in one sign – a very uncommon state-of-affairs. The Moon only takes a couple of days to get through, but the Sun remains in Aries until April 20. Venus replaces it the very next day, continuing the concentration. Mars leaves to cool off in Taurus on May 11 and five days later Mercury and Venus decamp as well. So, bottom line, from April 2 to May 16, Aries is the place for a planet to be. All humanity is facing a significant stimulus of all our passions.
“Make love, not war” is superb advice at a time like this. There is a serious point underlying the cliche. This energy is real; you will feel it and it will affect your life. But the planets just ask you questions, they don’t order you around. What will you choose to do with this fiery Warrior intensity? How will you aim it? Climb a mountain? Say something you have been scared to say to a friend or a lover? Make obscene gestures to other drivers? Kick the dog? The houses of your personal birthchart that are specifically connected with Aries give individual direction here, along with any important aspects being made to your natal planets. Knowing that kind of information is what takes astrology to the next level. But for all of us, it will come down to three possibilities: having the courage to trust your inner warrior, lashing out in destructive ways, or setting yourself up to be a victim. The choice is yours.
We will of course see the Arian concentration playing out in the same way on the global level. As the Dalai Lama once said, “The world is drunk on anger.” Those drunks will be more than usually bloody-minded for a few weeks. But there is higher ground. Who among us has the courage the risk peace? Who is brave enough to try? And if you say “nobody,” you are just being a wimp. And Aries is really tough on wimps.
Featured Audio Downloads
Jupiter in Aries - Pick Your Battles!

Eris: The New Planet